Wednesday, October 19, 2011

boys on strike

After walking a very short distance in the 29 degree heat......... by one.....

.............the boys decided to go on strike.......... we all just rested in the shade........

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

dogs on the move

after several days of getting rained on every time we went out, it was so nice to go to the park in the sunshine yesterday........we were all very happy about it! little pack........possibly on the prowl for possum droppings.......

...........all ready, and waiting patiently to go home.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

a sunny trip to the park

 Spring has sprung!

.....and so have the possums.....cairo and bruce have become possum pooper scoopers, doing their bit to help keep the parks free of possum droppings.......

..........boys going places........

.....and cooling off after a lovely time in the sun......made a nice change after a few days of getting caught in the rain.

Monday, September 5, 2011

happy puppies on happy pappy day

We had some very welcome visitors for lunch on fathers' day.....mum and dad are favourties with the boys...... especially with Cairo who flashes his biggest smile and puts on quite an excited display whenever they arrive.......

..........not often I get to have my photo taken with my we all are, having cuddles on the lawn.

Monday, August 29, 2011

on the verge of spring

we've all been enjoying the warmth of the sun during these last few days of winter........

........but sometimes it gets too hot and the puppies need to cool down in the shade........

...........the new prayer flags........

........OM MANI PADME HUM........

morning pill time

lining up for morning medications...........

Buce has his pill to calm his anxiety while Jimmy has his pill to help his heart work better...and Cairo just gets a free treat out of it.

mmmmmmmmm.........minced chicken..........mmmmmmm

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

going places

all the boys love getting in the car....which usually leads to a leash-free run at the park

up close and personal

When Jimmy's relaxed, so is his tongue....cute!

Bruce loves to pose for a portrait shot.....

........and is very cuddly when he's asleep.

Cairo doesn't love having his photo taken but will oblige me with a smile if he feels like it........ 

.......or with a flash of his 'up close and personals' if he isn't in the mood.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

winter woollies

This cute new 'peace' jacket was a gift from a generous fits Bruce, but he's just not too sure about it at first.......

....then he looks like he's getting quite used to it.......

.......and finally he decides it's so comfy, he might have a nap in it........thanks Maria!

......meanwhile, Jimmy's ready to head off for the game in his new jumper........go Tigers!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bruce makes his bed and lies in it

After Bruce's recent haircut and the onset of the cold weather, Bruce decided to rearrange his bedding. He turned his bed, which normally looks like this.......

....into this.....

.......and this on another night......

.....he's always been good at getting what he thinks he needs..... whether it was the loaf of bread, the whole banana cake or the 5 chuppa chups from the kitchen bench or some covers to keep him warm...go Bruce!

Monday, July 11, 2011

winter's time for hibernating

Sprung! Even though Cairo's allowed on the bed, he always looks a bit guilty when I take his photo on there...

Another rare close moment of peace between Bruce and Jimmy......

Jimmy snuggled in beside me on the couch while I watch TV...........

Bruce being cute........

Sunday, July 3, 2011

long time, no blog

Just realised I haven't posted any new doggy pics since May....we've been hibernating for the first month of winter, even though we've still managed to get out for our walks and trips to the park twice a day almost every day.

Our routine has changed to include a walk on leash in the mornings and an off leash run at a park in the afternoons. The leash training is really helpful for reminding the boys who's in charge...except Jimmy gets to walk off leash because he's very good at staying with us ....unless he's letting himself into someone's front yard...and it makes things much easier for me.

boys in the garden......

.......... preparing for a luncheon party........

..........a rare occasion of Bruce and Jimmy getting close......

.....and not rare at all, best buddies hanging out together.... smiley!