Monday, August 29, 2011

on the verge of spring

we've all been enjoying the warmth of the sun during these last few days of winter........

........but sometimes it gets too hot and the puppies need to cool down in the shade........

...........the new prayer flags........

........OM MANI PADME HUM........

morning pill time

lining up for morning medications...........

Buce has his pill to calm his anxiety while Jimmy has his pill to help his heart work better...and Cairo just gets a free treat out of it.

mmmmmmmmm.........minced chicken..........mmmmmmm

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

going places

all the boys love getting in the car....which usually leads to a leash-free run at the park

up close and personal

When Jimmy's relaxed, so is his tongue....cute!

Bruce loves to pose for a portrait shot.....

........and is very cuddly when he's asleep.

Cairo doesn't love having his photo taken but will oblige me with a smile if he feels like it........ 

.......or with a flash of his 'up close and personals' if he isn't in the mood.